May 11, 2012

Kawaii Friday!

Hey, hey, hey it's Kawaii Fri-day! ♪( ´▽`) I'm not doing much over the weekend, but what I can tell you is that I might go to this one Japanese store at the mall, and... THEY HAVE KAWAII STUFF!!!!!! \(^o^)/ YESS!!!!!

Anyway, I'm still not sure when I'm getting the felt but it might be today, who knows! I'm just so excited! (=゜ω゜)人(゜ω゜=)  What do you think of the Kawaii Corner? I see it's getting a lot of pageviews. Sorry I didn't tweet a lot this week. I will tweet more next week. 
Oh! and make sure to take the poll. There's only one more day left before it closes.

Super Kawaii Hugs and kisses (`ω・)^★
- The Kawaii Team

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